In a courtroom tale that could only be scripted by life’s comedic genius, Chris Sevier, a music producer who usually orchestrates catchy tunes, finds himself conducting a legal symphony that’s capturing headlines for all the quirky reasons. Brace yourself for a crescendo of absurdity as Sevier battles for the right to marry his beloved laptop – a ‘porn-filled Apple computer,’ no less.

Sevier’s legal overture takes the form of a 24-page motion that dances between satire and surrealism. With a cheeky nod to evolving notions of marriage, he questions why his unconventional bond with his laptop shouldn’t get a standing ovation too. It’s an argument that’s as unconventional as it is amusing.

But, as with all courtroom dramas, there’s a twist in the tale. Judge Robert Hinkle steps onto the stage, delivering his own punchline to the proceedings. With a chuckle and a quip, Hinkle suggests that Sevier’s laptop marriage proposal might be more at home in a sitcom than a courtroom. It’s a reminder that even the hallowed halls of justice have their moments of levity.

As the courtroom curtains continue to rise on this comical legal saga, one can’t help but wonder what other eccentric tales of love and law lie waiting in the wings. Whether Sevier’s laptop romance hits the high note of recognition or falls flat as a punchline, it’s a reminder that in the theater of life, reality often outpaces even the most creative fiction.

Music producer ‘addicted to porn’ launches legal bid to marry his LAPTOP