Would You Pay $91,500 for a Crocodile Skin T-Shirt?

Move over, ordinary cotton tees – there's a new fashion trend in town, and it comes with a jaw-dropping price tag. Prepare to clutch your pearls as French luxury giant Hermes unveils its latest masterpiece: a crocodile skin shirt worth a whopping $91,500. Yes, you...

Fire Facials – Setting Your Face on Fire in the Name of Beauty

In the quest for beauty, some women are willing to go to extremes. But when it comes to setting your face on fire in the name of skincare, you might wonder if they've taken the pursuit a bit too far. Welcome to the world of fire facials, where Chinese women are...

Meet Denis Hope, the Man Who Sells the Moon

There's a new entrepreneur in town, and he's peddling plots of land on the Moon, Mars, and even Venus. Meet Denis Hope, the former ventriloquist turned space realtor, who's been boldly going where no real estate agent has gone before since 1980. But is he a visionary...

I longed to get rid of my huge boobs until they paid off my family’s £130,000 debt

Ever felt like your assets were more of a liability? Well, Amy Sophia knows the feeling, except her assets were more... well, prominent. With size 34HH boobs, she practically had her own zip code and enough glares from strangers to power a spotlight. But as fate would...

Extreme Kidnapping – Detroit Company Abducts Clients for Fun

Looking to add a little adrenaline to your daily routine? Forget skydiving or bungee jumping, because Extreme Kidnapping is here to take your excitement to a whole new level! Yes, you heard it right. This Detroit gem offers the thrilling experience of getting...

CORPUS Body Museum is added to health campus at Everest Place

Ready to dive deep into the belly of the beast? Strap in and prepare to be gutted with laughter at the Corpus Museum! Click here to embark on an adventure that's more thrilling than a rollercoaster through the human body.   CORPUS Body Museum is added to health...

Man Cooks and Eats His Own Finger After Losing It in an Accident

In a tale stranger than fiction, meet David Playpenz, the man who turned a finger mishap into a bizarre culinary adventure. Forget finger foods, David served up his own finger after a motorcycle accident, leaving us all wondering: what's on the menu in Colchester,...

Japanese High-Tech Coat Imitates Girlfriend Hugs

In a world where hugs are as coveted as gold, where cuddle workshops and professional snugglers roam the streets, there emerges a new hero in the realm of affection: the Raiju Coat! Yes, you heard it right, folks. Say goodbye to loneliness and hello to the warm...

Artist Uses Powerful Airplane Engine as Paintbrush to Create Jet Art

There's a new airborne artist in town, and she's taking 'throwing paint around' to new heights... literally. Meet Princess Tarinan von Anhalt, the mastermind behind Jet Art, where the canvas isn't just a surface - it's a battleground for battling winds stronger than...

Man Has Eaten Over 5,000 Bug Species in the Last 11 Years

Imagine opening your friend's freezer and finding not ice cream or frozen peas, but a treasure trove of bugs fit for a science fiction horror flick. Meet David Gracer, the ultimate bug connoisseur who believes that the path to sustainable eating is paved with creepy...
Would You Pay $91,500 for a Crocodile Skin T-Shirt?

Would You Pay $91,500 for a Crocodile Skin T-Shirt?

Move over, ordinary cotton tees – there's a new fashion trend in town, and it comes with a jaw-dropping price tag. Prepare to clutch your pearls as French luxury giant Hermes unveils its latest masterpiece: a crocodile skin shirt worth a whopping $91,500. Yes, you...

Clear coffee for your ride to work

Clear coffee for your ride to work

You'll thank us for this next time you spill coffee on yourself on the way to work! Company creates clear coffee in order to prevent stains and damage to your teeth. pic.twitter.com/nQ6YAXPDT2— Yup That Exists (@yupthtexists) May 11, 2023