Salma al-Shehab, a mother of two and a researcher at Leeds University in Britain tweeted some criticisms and retweeted some dissidents.
She returned to Saudi Arabia for a visit and was arrested. She has been in solitary confinement for 285 days now. She was initially given a 6 years sentence, but upon appeal it was changed to 34 years plus another 34 year travel ban.
“The (six-year) prison sentence imposed on the defendant was minor in view of her crimes,” a state prosecutor said. “I’m calling to amend the sentence in light of her support for those who are trying to cause disorder and destabilize society, as shown by her following and retweeting (Twitter) accounts.”
Apparently tweeting this stuff to her account with 2000 followers is terrorism in the eyes of Saudi Arabia.
The Washington Post jumped up and down and scream when a reporter was killed. I wonder if they will do the same for this woman, whose punishment is arguably worse.
Read more in the link below.
Islam is all LIES from the FATHER OF LIES!
If your ‘religion’ requires you to hate and kill someone, you need a new religion…
The koran is certainly unworthy of its alleged “Divine” Authorship
This is Islam’s “holy message from god” as exemplified by this summation of Mohammad’s legacy, and the collective words and deeds of its Founder:
“I will save humanity by lying to, extorting, torturing, robbing, burning out of their homes, kidnapping and ransoming, enslaving, raping, and murdering everyone who even only verbally disagrees with me – and you can, too!” –Mohammad
“The purest joy (in Islam) is to KILL and to BE KILLED for the sake of ‘Allah’.”
— Ayatollah Khomeini
“O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that “Allah” is with those who keep their duty”
— koran, Surah 9:123
Islamic tactics: A political & military doctrine that comes wrapped in a barbed skin of piety.
Mohammad’s Islam: abuse, assassinations, beheadings, bombings, butchery of live people, car, truck, and airplane bombing, enslavement, extortion, gassing, “Halal Certificate” racket, Hijrah, jihad, hate, honor-killing, humiliating people, imperialism, jailing without due process, kidnapping, lying, maiming, making-war, murdering, occupy, pedophilia, racism, rape, rocket bombing, shelling, slaughter, slavery, slayings, starvation, stealing, stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals, suicide bombers, taxing of non-muslims, terror, torture, tossing homosexuals off tall buildings…
What’s not to love?
Islam was dreamt-up by an insane conman to inflate his ego and fill his treasure chest.
There are just three basic truths that people must learn about Islam
(1.) Everything concerning Islam is a LIE!
(A.) There is no “Revealed Truth”!
(B.) Islam has no legitimate proof of any pre-history that they claim.
(C.) There are no predictions in the Old or New Testament concerning Islam.
(D.) Nearly everything written in the Koran for the first 13 years during Mohammad’s peaceful Meccan period was abrogated (overturned) after he started his Medinan period as a Barbarian Warlord.
(E.) Why would an all-knowing “god” not get everything RIGHT the first time?
(2.) Much of the Koran was plagiarized from other sources then rewritten.
The Muslim versions of the Bible stories used in the Koran were thoroughly bowdlerized (to modify by abridging, simplifying, or distorting in style or content) and edited to “prove” that Islam is correct.
Such as: Confusing Miriam the daughter of Amram, and sister to both Moses and Aaron, with Mary the Mother of Jesus, in Surah 66:12. Amram lived circa 3500 years ago, Mary the mother of Jesus, circa 2000 years ago, there is a gap of 1500 years between the two Marys, and they are not of the same tribes. Mary is of the tribe of Judah and Miriam is from the tribe of Levi.
(A.) The Moon-god “Allah” was originally the Head ‘god’ of the pagan Meccan, Quraysh Arab tribal pantheon of about 360 idols. Each Arab Tribe had its own assorted pagan deities that they worshiped.
(B.) Mohammad was an illiterate and originally a Moon-god ‘worshiping’ heathen, who then used a mashup of his pagan tribal beliefs, plagiarized oral accounts from some of the Apocryphal books, teachings of heretical ‘christian’ and ‘jewish’ sects, as well as oral accounts of actual Jewish, Christian, Gnostic, and Zoroastrian beliefs and writings to flesh out his koran.
He also plagiarized some of the faulty ‘science’ from other cultures, such as Ancient Greek “medicine” by plagiarizing Doctor Galen’s (circa 150 AD) absurd description of how babies are formed in the womb. (The bones are formed first, then the bones are ‘clothed’ with flesh…) among many other absurdities!
(3.) They all hate, kill, and make war on everyone and other Mozlems too!
Anyone of any other Muslim Sect is considered to be hypocrites and apostates or ‘murtadeen’ (not really ‘Muslim’) Islam has around 73 different sects remaining in existence, and all the different sects hate and kill each other, and they all make war upon one another because: “They do not believe as we do”. They each have their own versions of Shariah Law. There were many more Mozlem Sects in the past, but Islam brought the “Peace of Islam” to all those ‘missing Sects’! Islamic sects are not simply “denominations” if that word is understood to mean various valid approaches to the same religion.
Members of one Islamic group do not usually recognize members of other groups as valid or true fellow Moslems, and open conflict between sects has been a normal course of practice throughout Islam’s history. Islam has been at war with the entire world ever since Mohammad invaded Medina. Moslems have been at war with themselves, ever since they broke up into different sects, shortly after its founder Mohammad died.
It has been: Barelvi Sunni vs. Deobandi Sunni vs. Wahabi Sunni vs. Sufi Sunni vs. Sunni vs. Shia vs. Twelver Shia vs. Zaydi Shia vs. Ismaili Shia vs. Alawi vs. Ibadi vs. Druze… and on ad nauseam!
Definition of Islamophobia:
• (1.) When a non-Muslim knows more about Islam than we are “supposed” to know.
• (2.) When a Muslim finally learns the awful Truth about Islam.
There are 109 verses straight from the koran dictating hate, murder, and terror against all people who will not submit or convert to Islam.
Isn’t it natural to fear something that threatens to kill you, or enslave you, and turn your wife and daughters into sex slaves… and destroy and subvert your country?
I am sick of Islam being shoved down the throats of the American people. Those of us who openly oppose Islam are labeled as Islamophobic.
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Islam means SUBMISSION, it is Salaam that means PEACE!
Salam / Salaam / Al-Salam / As-Salam ???? / ?????? “Peace”: Can be also used as a greeting. It is derived from the same root letters ??? (s-l-m) as the words sallam (ladder) or islam (submission).
Just because two words share the same root doesn’t mean that they necessarily share the same meaning. (Vowels did not come into use until much later in the historical written languages Arabic and Hebrew.)
Peace ?????? Salaam: Not to be confused with the non-related Arabic term, ‘Islam’, meaning ‘submission’.
Islam (the religion) ??????? Totalitarian ideology propounding Arabic imperialism, based on the alleged teachings of Muhammad, which determines the entire social, political, and legal life of the Muslims and the non-Muslims dominated by them.
Islam ??????? Submission: Is the actual meaning behind the word Islam.
(“Submission” is the name of Theo van Gogh’s movie for which he was assassinated.) Not to be confused with “salaam” (peace).
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Abrogation (Naskh) ???
The doctrine, based on Qur’an 2:106, Qur’an 13:39, Qur’an 16:101, Qur’an 17:86, Qur’an 87:6-7, that Allah rescinded some previous revelations. The most crucial topic for any infidel is the rule of abrogation through which Allah allowed himself to change his mind! The Muslim ‘god’ didn’t get anything right the first time!?! Apart from this abject silliness stands the fact that most of the peaceful verses were written in Mecca, before MoHamMad became a warlord.
These are the ones most quoted by Islamic apologists, however, they were, in fact, substituted (replaced, abrogated) by other passages later written in Medina, after he became a warlord: mainly all the bloody verses found in chapters 3 (-Chr.89-), 5 (-Chr.112-), 8 (-Chr.88-) and chapter 9 (-Chr.113-), particularly its ‘Verse of the Sword’ (9.5). Both the Meccan and Medina passages remain in the koran, so Muslim apologists can refer to them as needed to “prove” any point.
They will say: “It is written in the Holy Koran…” Even though one passage completely contradicts another, Muslims will tell you that BOTH are true!
It would be like IF the Holy Bible said in one place: “Love thy Neighbor”, but in a later passage, it said: “Kill thy Neighbor” yet maintain the lie that BOTH are “true”, and no priest or minister finds this to be a problem?
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Mohammad is the example of the so-called “Perfect Man” whom Moslems are to follow!
What people, including Muslims, do not understand is that in following Muhammad, they are following a false “Prophet”. It was Jesus Christ who said one could know a false “Prophet” by their fruits… let’s take a look at Muhammad… he was a thief, murderer, slanderer, apostate, heretic, idolater, warlord, slave owner, rapist, and had pedophile sex with a nine-year-old girl.
He was brutal, misogynistic, he reveled in the blood and murder of innocent people, and he even married his own son’s wife!
That, to any sane and rational human being, is fruit rotten to the core!
Islam is a clear and immediate danger to any other system of thought, government, or religious belief and must be fought by any means necessary and exposed for the pernicious and hate-filled ideology that it is.
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Only Mozlems, Dhimwits, Liars, and the Delusional will claim Islam as the “Religion of Peace”.
[True Peace is freely given… it is not forced. Islam is about force and submission!]
Islam means SUBMISSION, it is Salaam that means PEACE!
(1.) The First problem lies in the Mozlem’s definition of the word “Peace” …
When a Mozlem says “peace”, they are thinking of it in a totally different context than the way the average non-Mozlem person considers and views the word.
“Peace” in Muhammadanism means No more Fitnah in the world. (Disbelievers with the ability to struggle against Islam) It is written in the Koran (2:191-193) “Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing…” Your disbelief in Islam is worse than them killing you, in which they believe is somehow a “benefit” to you!
According to Muhammadanism, “Peace” or ‘Dar al-Salam’ will only be obtained when there is a worldwide Ummah, when the entire world is suffering under the oppressive yoke of Islam, either as a ‘believer’ or as a non-believer Dhimmi who pays the Jizyah tax (‘Protection Money’ of 30% or more annually) or as a slave.
“Submission to Allah is the only peace recognized in Islam. Anything else is worthy of justified retaliation. — When Muslims say ‘peace’, they mean non-Muslims should be subdued and humiliated to the extent that they have no strength to rebel. Peace, according to Islam, is therefore achieved through subjugation.” — Ali Sina
(2.) Mozlems constantly lie to their benefit. If a person thinks the Mozlem means “peace” in the normal way that Non-Muslims envision it, then the Mozlem will see no need to explain to them that in Islam, “peace” is only achieved when everyone has submitted to Islam… and there is nothing but Islam in the world. Mozlems always conveniently leave that part out when they are talking about “peace”. They are more than happy to let their infidel opponents and delusional Dhimwits believe otherwise.
(3.) Islam wants a One-World-Religion, and they will give us a One-World-Government at the same time! In Islam there is no “Separation of Mosque and State” they are one and the same! Whether the Government controls the religion, or the Religion controls the government… there is no difference! Islam is held together and is built on hatred, murder, and extreme coercive fear: anyone leaving Islam or not fully following the tenants of Islam is considered an apostate and should be killed… without these, Islam would have collapsed long ago.
(4.) The Fourth problem lies in the fact that: Anyone of any other Muslim Sect is considered to be an apostate (not really ‘Muslim’). Islam has around 73 different sects remaining in existence, and all of the different sects hate and kill each other, and they all make war upon one another because: “They do not believe as we do”.
Never in the world’s history of any other “religion” except Islam, has any OFFICIAL position and teachings of the ‘mission’ of its original founder, his writings, and the continuous practices… has been to “Kill all of those who do not believe as we do”.
(5.) Therefore, the Fifth problem lies in the fact that, until there is ONLY ONE REMAINING SECT, and the entire world is under the oppression of Islam, the so-called “Peace of Islam” is impossible. The Islamic concept of “peace” can only occur AFTER their WORLD-WIDE conquest is completed!
Nevertheless, even then, there will be the constant “Honor Killings” and other oppressions against women, gays, dhimmis, and slaves. There will still be pedophilia, rape, torture, incest, stoning, beheading, domestic abuse, men seeking revenge for personal matters, such as a women’s refusal of marriage is often grounds for an acid attack against the woman and even her family, if a man is sufficiently ‘indignant’.
FACT! There is no such thing as “Moderate” Islam! The so-called “Moderates” are either practicing the lies of Taysir, Darur, or Muruna for your sympathy, or they are considered as apostates and must be killed for not following Islam to the letter. (See: “ISLAMIC SANCTIONED FORMS OF LYING”)
Islam is Islam, you can’t have Islam without the Koran, Sirah, and the Hadiths. It would not be Islam! Islam wants you either DEAD, ‘converted’, enslaved, or a ‘free slave’ as a Jizyah taxed dhimmi… they do not care about which, as long as you are under their control! That is what those evil books tell Muslims to do, and how to treat non-Muslims!
They demand full control of EVERYTHING that you do, whether you are Muslim or not!
Islam is a totalitarian system that regulates down to the smallest detail the life of Mozlems, and non-Muslims alike when you are under their constraint, which obliges them to impose this system to the ends of the earth and teaches genocidal hatred of those that do not submit. For the last 1400 years, Islam has been waging a continuous war on the entire world.
But, in the meantime, they don’t mind themselves coming here, disrespecting OUR Religions and our Constitution and our Laws and our way of life… and murdering us!
It is a Muhammadan Mafia that masquerades as a ‘religion’ while engaged in unending terrorism and genocidal conquest!
CAIR is a front for HAMAS which is a front for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, which is a front for Islam, which is a front for an Arab mafia disguised as a religion.
What has CAIR been doing in our country?
“Sermon in Egypt: Wage jihad in all lands until Islam rules” Commentary on the video: In a Friday sermon delivered in El Bagour, Egypt, Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Qadi called to wage Jihad against the infidels in their own lands. Stressing that he was not talking only about defensive Jihad, he said:
“I am talking about seeking out the infidels on their own turf, and, if they refuse to convert to Islam, imposing the Jizyah poll tax on them or fighting them until the word of Allah reigns supreme. Islam alone should rule the world,” said Al-Qadi.
The sermon, delivered in the Ubad Al-Rahman Mosque in El Bagour, was originally posted on December 17, 2017, on a YouTube channel dedicated to the mosque’s sermons.
Or Google: Friday sermon in Egypt Wage Jihad in Infidel Lands Until Islam Rules the World
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What’s a “Dhimwit” you say?
Glad you asked!…
But first, you need to know what a “Dhimmi” is:
Dhim·mi (dîm-mî or zîm-mî) – An Islamic term that refers to a subjugated non-Moslem person living in a Moslem society.
Second-class status is confirmed by the Shariah Law legal system and dhimmis do not share the rights of their Moslem rulers. Dhimmis pay the annual Jizyah tax, it is ‘Protection Money’ of 30% or more annually — the money, or tribute, that conquered non-Muslims pay to their Islamic overlords “with willing submission and while feeling themselves subdued” to safeguard their existence, as indicated in koran 9:29
Dhimwit (dïm-wît) – A non-Moslem member of a free society that abets the stated cause of Islamic domination with remarkable gullibility.
A dhimwit is always quick to extend sympathy to the very enemy that would take away his or her own freedom (or life) if given the opportunity.
See also: Useful Idiots
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List of Recent Islamic Terror Attacks As of 8/12/22 —
On 41,977 —
There is a List of Islamic Terror Attacks for the Past 30 Days.
See what the “religion of peace” has been up to, for the last month.
It is always an extensive list!
For comparison… As of 3/26/19 there were 34,779 deadly Terror Attacks, since 9-11-2001 some large some small, but always with deadly intent.
This list does not even count the TOTAL number of the hundreds of thousands KILLED and INJURED during all these 34,779 deadly Terror Attacks!
They used to show the last 90 days, but the list was incredibly LONG, because the Moslems were so busy bringing their own version of ‘peace’ to the world!
However, you can still look-up all the past postings.
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Islam uses a system of LIES and lying that THEY call KITMAN:
Lying by omission, and Al TAQIYYIA DECEPTION:
(dissimilitude or deceit) is not only permitted but sanctioned as a means of practicing warfare.
Taqiyyia Deception is the allowance in Islam for Moslems to lie to non-Moslems for the purpose of advancing Islam.
An example would be when Moslem apologists quote only a fragment of the koranic verse 5:32
“Whoever killed a human being, it shall be regarded as having killed all mankind…” while neglecting to mention that the rest of the koranic verse (and the next) mandate murder in undefined cases of “corruption” and “mischief”.
(It is also written in the koran as) “Whoever takes the life of another is like he took the whole life of mankind, and whoever saves a life of someone is like he has saved the whole of mankind.”
This was a purposeful mis-quote by MoHamMad from the Hebrew Mishnah which says:
“Therefore, Adam was created singly, to teach us that whoever destroys a single life in Israel is considered by Scripture to have destroyed the whole world, and whoever saves a single life… is considered … to have saved the whole world.”
MoHamMad used this misquotation as a taunt and an insult against the Jewish people of Medina, just before he had all the adult males killed, and enslaved all the females and children! According to their own Islamic historical sources, Muhammed, and his companions’ mass-executed by beheading all adult males (‘Adult’: meaning anyone with just one pubic hair showing) and enslaved the women and children of the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza of Medina in the year 627 AD.
This forms a part of the Sunna, the personal example of Muhammed and his companions, which is the most important source of Islamic religious law next to the Koran. It is exceedingly difficult to argue that mass executions and beheadings of non-Muslims are “un-Islamic” as Dhimwits and liars claim when they were supported by Islam’s founder and alleged ‘prophet’ Muhammed.
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Man’s inhumanity to Man has been going on since Cain slew Able.
All those terrible atrocities that the Hebrews and Christians have done in the past, where are they written as instructions or open-ended commands in a Religious book? Where will you find them in the Bible?
However, Islam has a book of commanded open-ended instructions to commit atrocities, it is the Koran!
Christians are horrible people when they act CONTRARY to Jesus’s example.
Moslems are horrible people when they FOLLOW Muhammad’s example.
The ISIS and Hamas, and all the rest of the Islamic Terrorist organizations are following Mohammad’s teachings and the Koran to the letter. Why are there so many different Islamic Terrorist organizations? They each belong to the many different sects.
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Why you should never believe anything a Muslim says:
Six Arabic Words You Must Know: Taqiyyia, Kitman, Tawriya, Taysir, Darura, and Muruna
‘Muslims can’t be trusted because they follow Islam’. This is true. There are so many calls to deceit, and ways to deceive, as prescribed by their texts.
Taqiyyia (Shia) or Muda’rat (Sunni): tactical deceit for the purposes of spreading Islam.
Al-Taqiyyia Deception: Islam mandates deception when Moslems deal with non-Moslems.
Moslems are allowed to lie to unbelievers if the lie is for the protection of Islam or the furthering of Islamic goals and objectives, primarily when Muslim minorities live under infidel authority.
Westerners who understand Islamic deception often refer to “Taqiyyia” as being the tactic of lying, in order to guard the faith.
Kitman: deceit by omission, such as quoting only a part of a passage in the koran, but leaving out the rest of the quotation, which would prove them as lying.
Tawriya: Islamic Doctrine that permits deceit by ambiguity or ‘Creative Lying’
Raymond Ibrahim:
This doctrine that allows lying in virtually all circumstances — including to fellow Muslims and by swearing to Allah — provided that the liar is creative enough to articulate his deceit in a way that is ‘true’ to him.
Taysir: deceit through facilitation (not having to observe all the tenets of Shariah).
Darura: deceit through necessity (to engage in something “Haram” or forbidden).
Muruna: the temporary suspension of Shariah in order that Muslim immigrants appear “moderate”.
Muruna: Violating Shariah to Fool the West | PJ Media
Knowing Four Arabic Words May Save Our Civilization from Islamic Takeover…
By Brent Parrish. Translator.
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Much of the Old Testament is a statement of history, good and bad
Descriptive (as opposed to Prescriptive like the violence of Islamic Doctrine).
The Old Testament commands by God to the Hebrews to engage in violence were limited to a specific place, a specific time, and a specific group of people. Closed ended. Unlike Islam, there are no eternal commands to the Hebrews to spread Judaism to the whole world via subjugation, enslavement, and murder. There are no commands to kill all non-Jews who do not convert.
Jewish Law is only for Jews. In addition, there is no “perfect man” that all Jews are to eternally emulate.
…Unlike Islam.
Examine the Jihad verses in the Qur’an: which of them has geographic or chronological limits, on whom to kill? They are all open-ended.
They are to kill EVERYONE who is not a MOZLEM!
But then they take it one step further: They are to kill all Mozlems who are not of their own sect.