Twitter execs were bent on influencing the Presidential election and destroying Trump personally. It was a political move.
Senior Twitter executives sought “to create justifications to ban Trump – seek a change of policy for Trump alone, distinct from other political leaders – express no concern for the free speech or democracy implications of a ban,” according to the fourth installment of the Twitter Files released Saturday night.’
They were defrauding the their customers. Twitter does not indicate anyway in their product that they are politically biased and that activity on Twitter would be used to support Democrats for election. if they had, if this were widely known, then the company would not be as successful, many of their current customers would not be customers.
So in other words twitter executives are against strong borders, strong military, low unemployment for minorities, energy independence, peace in the middle east, manufacturing returning to the U.S. All I can think of is maybe these twitter people have ties to China it seems everyone will sell out the U.S. for money. Has to be something like that or they just don’t like to see Americans prosper. I’m sure they are orgasmicley happy with Biden.