Meet Yuya Yamada, Tokyo’s hula hoop maestro, renowned for his mind-boggling tricks. Recently, he achieved a Guinness World Record by twirling a colossal 5.14 m hoop using only his torso. From spinning hoops while running to performing jaw-dropping moves, this guy’s got skills – even if it means running inside a giant hoop to keep the spin alive!

Yamada’s record-breaking attempt required a unique technique – instead of the usual hip action, he had to use his hands to get the massive hoop spinning, then dash and twirl inside it to maintain momentum. Silly? Maybe. Precise? Absolutely!

Having lost and reclaimed records before, this hoop aficionado was determined. In Yokohama, on Guinness World Records Day, he effortlessly spun the 5.14 m hoop multiple times, reclaiming his title.


Japanese Man Sets New Guinness Record for Spinning World’s Largest Hula Hoop