Hold onto your hats for a hilarious adventure as a British prankster, known as the “Donald Trump of TripAdvisor,” turns Amazon delivery driver urine into a viral “energy drink.” Oobah Butler, famous for previous outrageous stunts, revealed the uncomfortable truth that drivers across the US, UK, Italy, and Spain were forced to pee in bottles while on the job.

Butler’s comical mission involved setting up a “urine collection point” at an Amazon center in Essex, England. He listed the concoction as a “caffeine-free” drink, which amusingly landed in the energy drink section through Amazon’s algorithm.

But the laughter didn’t stop there. He cleverly reclassified it as a “bitter lemon” drink, amassing real reviews from those in on the joke and outperforming Schweppes.

This story is a reminder of Amazon’s unpredictable inner workings. Stay tuned for the documentary premiere to see if Amazon falls for a prank that turns its drivers’ “essence” into a top-selling beverage. Cheers to the “piss-tacular” adventure!


Madman Sells “Energy Drink” Made From Amazon Delivery Drivers’ Pee… on Amazon