Ladies and gentlemen, hold on to your wallets because we have some troubling news from the world’s finance scene. The Silicon Valley Bank, one of the biggest players in the industry, has been struggling to stay afloat, leaving investors and techies alike on edge. And while the government has intervened to prevent its collapse, many are left wondering what this means for the future of the industry and the economy at large. Is this yet another example of big business being bailed out while the rest of us are left to pick up the pieces? It’s a worrying sign of the times, where even the giants of Silicon Valley are not immune to the ups and downs of the market. So, prepare yourself for a bumpy ride as we delve into this latest crisis in the world of finance.
Silicon Valley exhales after US intervenes in SVB collapse

Doesn’t that just figure–Silicon Valley! Another Bank Bailout while Americans suffer with less food & quality food, at that! More homeless with children living on the street!