This appears to be a UKRAINIAN solder planting an explosive device on a playground.
I don’t really know what is going on, but this sure is creepy. At the end he takes a picture of it, maybe it is just propaganda, but then again if that were the case why would he use a real one?
The caption is:
“A Ukrainian sapper in a protective suit carries an IED / Molotov cocktail to the playground. Then he leaves it behind one of the children’s entertainment complexes, moves away and takes pictures.
And I would like to hope that he photographs only for a report to the authorities, in order to make an information propaganda, how “Russians mine playgrounds”, and what is not so repulsed as to leave it in a place where children play.”

There are no children playing on playgrounds during the war in Ukraine. The children are FLEEING. Seriously you should remove Putin’s penis from your mouth, as your view is being obfuscated.
Tammy, Children may not be playing right at this moment, but they always play, even in chaotic times. A three day lull in fighting and children will be back there. I’ve seen children in what I would consider desperate poverty playing on garbage heaps as if they hadn’t a care in the world. If this is indeed an IED being placed in a playground, then eventually a child will find it.