I met Daryl Davis long ago in Virginia. His band was playing blues at the bar across the street, he is damned good on the piano. I didn’t know anything about his crusade for peace at that point.
One of my best friends (and my neighbor) got to know him a lot better, Daryl played at his wedding. Daryl is a humble guy, I didn’t know of his heroism until my friend pointed it out to me.
What Daryl Davis is most famous for is that he is a black man who has managed to earn the respect of some of the top white supremacists in the country. He is the subject of the documentary Accidental Courtesy: Daryl Davis, Race & America. See the trailer for it below.
This man is a crusader, a hero, a patriot and a fine human being. In my opinion he has done more for race relations than all of BLM and Antifa combined. And if you are in the market for a blues band, he is the man to call.