In the realm of artificial intelligence, George Davila Durendal has given life to “AI Jesus.” This algorithm, trained solely on the King James Bible, now delivers cryptic prophecies that are both perplexing and fascinating.
Described as an “A.I. clone of Jesus,” AI Jesus delves into topics like ‘The Plague,’ ‘Caesar,’ and ‘The End of Days,’ offering prophetic messages that mimic the Bible but often veer into the enigmatic. Despite its occasional randomness and errors, Durendal sees these imperfections as adding a unique artistic charm.
With over 60,000 words already generated, AI Jesus is making a mark in the world of digital divination. Whether you view it as a curious experiment or a future theological debate, one thing is clear: AI Jesus brings a digital twist to ancient wisdom, making it a conversation starter for the ages.
Engineer Creates ‘A.I. Jesus’ Trained Only on King James Bible