In the bustling world of poultry, a featherless revolution has hatched. Meet the featherless chicken – a pragmatic innovation born from the sweltering challenges of the industrial food system. Engineered by Israeli poultry guru Avigdor Cahaner, these pluck-free fowls are here to beat the heat and transform the coop game.

These “naked chickens” might lack feathers, but they’ve got moxie. Engineered for rapid growth, their hearts race like they’re in a poultry Grand Prix, making them perfect for the meat industry’s needs. Yet, their hot metabolism calls for a creative solution. Enter the featherless phenomenon – nature’s cooler without the energy drain.

While they might sound like the ultimate wingmen (or wingwomen), there’s a catch. Parasites, sunburns, and mosquito tête-à-têtes keep these stripped-down champs on their toes. And don’t even get us started on their rather awkward courtship choreography – a dance that’s feather-light on grace.

But here’s the plot twist: while the featherless chickens might have their cool quotient soaring, the consumer reception has been lukewarm. Skeptics squawk about hormones and health, leaving these bold birds to find their flock among a wary crowd.

In a world where feathers are more than just a flourish, the featherless chicken takes a courageous stand – a quirky, bare-all reminder that innovation often comes with a naked truth of its own.

Ready to Cook – The Controversial World of Featherless Chicken