This was a man who started identifying as female after he was arrested for molesting a 10 year old girl at a Denny’s in 2014.
James “Hannah” Tubbs has been gloating about it.
“I’m gonna plead out to it, plead guilty,” Tubbs says. “They’re gonna stick me on probation, and it’s gonna be dropped, it’s gonna be done, I won’t have to register, won’t have to do nothing.”
“The things he did to me and made me do that day was beyond horrible for a ten-year-old girl to have to go through,” his victim said. “I want him tried as an adult for the crimes he committed against me.”
This is one of those people who, if I were in the same room, I’d punch him in the face, whether he was wearing a dress or not.
California trans child molester Hannah Tubbs gloats over light sentence in jailhouse phone calls